Friday, March 2, 2007

The Better it Gets, The Better it Gets

For about twenty years now, off and on, I’ve been studying and utilizing the Law of Attraction in wonderful ways. I have always been a seeker and an asker of questions. This drove my father crazy, and now my husband! Is that true? Why do you say that? What is your thinking behind that statement? I have never taken anything at face value. Particularly concepts that promise you that you can be, do, or have anything you want in your life!

I have studied spiritual teachers beginning with Napoleon Hill in his “Think and Grow Rich” series, then on to the “Seth” series, and now “Abraham-Hicks.” I have read good books (and a lot of bad ones, and some terrible) about the Law of Attraction. Some of my favorite books are “Excuse Me, Your Life Is Waiting” by Lynn Grabhorn (I’m listening to this in my car again right now), “The Law of Attraction” by Michael Losier, “The Attractor Factor” by Joe Vitale, all of the books by Linda Madden Dahl, and if I’m leaving anybody out, I apologize. I have attended the “What the Bleep” Conference in Pheonix, Arizona, and I am just about to watch “The Quantum Series.”

Because I am a question asker, sometimes using the Law of Attraction in my life takes a back seat because when I start to get negative about it, it stops working. And so of course, I think, oh, this stuff is b.s., I’ll just stop focusing on what I want and feeling it into being. There have been times in my life, too, when I wasn’t sure what I wanted. But I’m sure now, and because of that, things are rolling along really nicely. I believe in the Law of Attraction again. Let me tell you why.

I have known for a long time that my purpose on earth was to help mankind; to be of service. The knowledge that I have helped somebody in a meaningful way is the biggest rush and pleasure for me. I have been incredibly lucky and blessed that since I became a hypnotherapist in 1993, I have been able to practice without having to do anything else to make ends meet. While sitting in my wonderful office, seeing folks one-on-one is fantastic and gratifying, it hasn’t been enough for a while now. I want to help thousands, tens of thousands, maybe millions of people! And in a very meaningful, and long-lasting way.

Way back in 1997, I learned about Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT). This seemed to be the technique that I could teach to the masses that would change their lives. I attended a workshop in 1998 with Gary Craig and *my* life changed. He made me a director of his e-list, and I began to teach EFT. But remember, I am a question asker, so I thought, hmm, how could I make this technique better!? I created several offshoots of EFT called Whole Life Healing, Mindful Meridian Therapy, and Positive Energy Therapy. I am now an EFT Cousin. If you go to Gary Craig’s website you will see me on his cousins page. I started to get offers to teach my techniques around the world. I learned that folks were using my techniques and getting marvelous benefits. When I moved to the east coast in 2002, I found that there was a whole group of people who were fans. This blew my mind!

And then I got scared. There’s a quote that I mentioned at the end of my BNI meeting the other day. As the President of my group, I am in charge of inspirational quotes. The quote was, “Half the failures in life arise from pulling in one's horse as he is leaping,” by Augustus (and Julius) Hare. I started worrying that if I realized my dream of helping many, many people around the world, I would get too busy, I wouldn’t have enough time for myself, I wouldn’t be able to take my afternoon naps, which I love and enjoy so, and also, that I was not up to the task of being a mentor, guide, and teacher. I worried that I would not be able to keep my boundaries sacred. I worried that I would get too famous! Some ascribe this quote to Nelson Mandela, and some to Marianne Williamson, but it really sums up what I was feeling at the time:

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God! Your playing small doesn't' serve the world. There's nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it is in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”

Doesn’t that just give you chills?! I think most of us can relate to this in one way or another.

I began to pull back on the reins. I wanted the excitement to stop. I was afraid. I was afraid of my light and my potential. And so it stopped. Everything just stopped. The offers to teach in other countries, the excitement that was building for my techniques, the feedback. My life became small once again, and manageable. The Law of Attraction was working very well for me!

But after playing small for a while, I wasn’t happy, and I wasn’t content. I began to reread the Seth books. That’s when I first learned about Linda Madden Dahl’s book, “Beyond the Winning Streak: Using Conscious Creation to Consistently Win at Life.” And once again, I began to utilize the Law of Attraction to change my life for the better. I started teaching again, my client roster filled up, and I still was able to keep my peaceful life, and my naps. I didn’t want it to get too big this time. So I consciously controlled it.

After one and half years, by husband decided that he needed to be back in California, and because I wanted my husband to be happy (I still have co-dependence issues), we left. Landing in Northern California in the Silicon Valley, I had to start all over building my life and my business. We had to find the right home and my husband had to find a job that he liked. We had a lot of conscious creating to do. Things started falling into place, just as they are supposed to when you utilize the Law of Attraction. Within five weeks, he found a great job. At that time, it was a “seller’s market,” but I wasn’t worried, because I was in an LoA groove! “It just so happened” that the realtor hadn’t advertised our property, and so there were very few bidders. The house that we wanted was sold to us over another couple that offered $15,000 more! We had our house. The miracle was, too, that we could afford it!

Fast-forward two years. I’ve built a life, new friends, new activities, my business growing. That old, persistent, nagging desire to do more, to have more, to help more people became stronger than ever. I wrote a statement of intent to the Universe. I wrote it as if I already had it. I said:

“I’m standing in front of a large group of people, perhaps 5,000. The pleasure and excitement are welling within me. I am so grateful to be here, where I can help the beautiful people that I see before me. They are smiling and happy to be here. I am teaching them something that is changing their lives for the better. It is a simple, powerful, easily taught and learned tool. I can feel the love, the appreciation, and the energy. It’s intense, and wonderful. I wonder to myself at how marvelous it is that I am finally able to do what I have come to this earth to do. The roar of the applause flows over me in waves as I say hello to the audience and express my appreciation for them. A hush falls over the crowd, as they wait expectantly for me to give them the keys to the kingdom.”

After I wrote that, and began to visualize and feel it, things started happening. Understand that at that point, I did not know what the tool was going to be! But I expected good things to unfold, and they have. Whoa, have they ever!

I knew that I wanted to have a new male partner for a dual-induction cd that I wanted to create, and I had several criteria for that partner. Recently, I had heard of “The Secret,” movie. I knew what the secret was, and, as you know, had been practicing it for many years. Of course, it was the Law of Attraction. One of the criteria that I asked for in a new partner was that they believed in and utilized the Law of Attraction. In other words, they used it in their every day lives. They walked the walk, and talked the talk. I put the word out to my hypnotherapy network of over 500 people, as well as a couple of other yahoogroups, and I received several responses. But one stood out. The one that stood out had responded to each criteria, answering it with thoughtful and truthful answers. He was the right person for me.

I didn’t know that the subject of that cd was going to be, but after talking it over with my new partner, Kent Ogletree, we decided that we would do one on our favorite subject! The Secret, and the Law of Attraction. At that point, “The Secret” movie had been highlighted on the “Ellen” show, and Larry King, and we felt, at least, in the metaphysical community, it would start to be pretty big. This was in December of last year.
We knew that the missing piece to utilizing the Law of Attraction would be programming, and we were just the people to help with that since we are hypnotherapists. We understood that there would be a lot of excitement about the Secret because of its promises, but just like a great motivational workshop where you come out all pumped up, not many things would change for people’s lives, unless they were programmed on a subconscious level. And they would need tools for dealing with negativity as it came up. We decided to call the cd, “The Secret to the Secret: The Law of Attraction in Action.” We knew that programming IS the secret to “The Secret.”

Because we wanted this cd to be incredibly special, with all the hypnotic bells and whistles, and because we didn’t live in the same state, it took us a while to finish the cd. Since we were both utilizing the power of the Law of Attraction daily, as it turns out, the timing of the release was absolutely perfect! For, since we had started out project, and finished it, “The Secret” people had been on Oprah, not once, but twice! The Secret was now mainstream!!! Almost every person we talked to had heard of it!

We wanted to get it out there in a big way. We wanted to help people who hadn’t utilized the Law of Attraction to their best benefit, and were now homeless. We set up a pilot project where we will be teaching homeless people who want to change, and believe they can using these principals and tools. I will blog more on that as things unfold.

We created a website: where we share a great Workbook that anybody can utilize to help them with the Law of Attraction. And of course, our cd became available. I have never been more proud of any accomplishment that I am of this cd.

As I look back, I can see that I learned EFT so that I could help people get out of their own way to utilize these tools. It is the best and most wonderful tool for helping folks release non-serving beliefs about their ability to create the life that they desire. What a gift.

Then, a few days after the cd came out, a new client came to see me. On her intake form, she mentioned “The Secret” many, many times. I asked her what she did for a living, and she told me, “I’m in P.R.” I’m sure you could understand the chills and excitement that I reigned in because she then said, “but, I want to get out of it.” Nothing was mentioned until the end of the session when I told her about the cd, which I was going to burn a copy of for her, and like a bolt of lightning from the heavens it hit her, she wanted to help us get the word out! I didn’t have to struggle or move heaven and earth to make this happen. Because my vision was clear, and I was vibrating in a very lovely, positive way (and so was she), she found me! We are both incredibly excited about the potential for both the cd, and teaching this to the homeless, and to folks all over the world.

I believe that I have finally found my calling. My calling is to teach “The Secret” and “The Secret to the Secret.” It works for everything one could possibly want to change or improve in one’s life. Esther Hicks has a saying that represents my life right now while I am living the Law. The saying is, “The Better it Gets, The Better it Gets.” How true.

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