Friday, April 13, 2007

21-day LoA Diary for Pink Elephant Productions

Today, Kent Ogletree and I (my partner in our cd production company Pink Elephant Productions) begin a diary on how we are using the Law of Attraction to get our message (in the form of our cd package at to the world. I am grateful that I have such a marvelous partner who believes in our product and wants the world to benefit from it as much as I do. We are in alignment and have very complimentary skills. Our intention is to unravel the true secrets to “The Secret” and to teach the world how to create their own destinies and realities. We feel the movie “The Secret” was a great starting place, but we know that there is more to the picture, and we intend to bring that to the world. What fun!

Our vision statement consists of:

1. Hundreds of orders a day coming in for our cd package.2. Dozens of emails a day coming in from all over the world telling us how great our product is, and how much folks are getting out of it.3. Media sources contacting US because somehow they have seen our blogs and understand that we are REAL teachers of this stuff. They want us on the radio, on television, and they print articles about us in the newspapers and magazines.4. Orders from our affiliates coming in every day, and the excited emails and phone calls from them telling us how the package helped the folks that they referred to us.5. Demand for our workshops, and sold out crowds. 6. At least $500,000 in receipts from all sources by the end of 2007.7. And every step of the way is fun - always inspired action that feels great and brings tons of value to every person that uses it.

We intend to fully utilize the Law of Attraction and our cd every day for 21-days in a row to see what we can accomplish. As we do, we will be sharing our adventure with you by telling you all of the synchronicities that show up for us as we utilize the LoA. We will be telling you all of the steps we took to achieve our goals, but we believe in Inspired Action, so we will not be doing anything that does not feel good, and is not fun in relation to our goals.

Today I listened to our cd at about 11am. After that (while I was still very relaxed from the hypnosis – and only about 10 minutes later), I received a phone call from Yahoo to do ads with them. Is it a sign? Is it one of those synchronicities? I will leave to Kent to decide if this is something that makes sense for us (and feels good). He is the computer guru in our company, and understands internet marketing much more than I. He sent me a link about QVC whom I think we should definitely pitch, and as soon as it feels right, and I am inspired, I will write something about our marvelous package, and pitch it to them.

I’m off to take a nap now. As I drift off, I will be imagining our desires as if they are here right now. And I will feel so happy and grateful that they are on their way.

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